May 17, 2022


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Multiple Choice Questions

More MCQ related to UGC-NET Paper-1


Scan this QR code for BUSINESS MANAGEMENT MCQs (Part-2)

1. Which of the following is not a function of management?
a) planning
b) staffing
c) co-operation
d) controlling

2.Management is
a) an art
b) a science
c) both art and science
d) neither

3. Policy formulation is the function of
a) top-level management
b) middle-level management
c) operational management
d) All of the above

4. Find the odd one out
a) board of directors
b) chief executive
c) foremen
d) shareholders

5. How are principles of management formed
a) In a laboratory
b) By experiences of management
c) By experiences of customers
d) By propagation of social scientists

6. Henry Fayol was a
a) Social scientists
b) Mining engineer
c) Accountant
d) Production engineer

7. Which of the following statement best described the principle of ‘Division of work’
a) work should be divided into small tasks
b) labour should be divide
c) resources should be divided among jobs
d) it leads to specialisation

8.Which of the following is Not a principle of management given by Taylor
a) Science, not rule of Thumb
b) Functional foremanship
c) Maximum ,not restricted output
d) Harmony not discord

9.The principals of management are significant because of
a) increase in efficiency
b) Initiative
c) optimum utilisation of resources
d) Adaptation of changing technology

10.Management should find ‘One best way’ to perform a task. Which technique of Scientific management is defined in this sentence
a) Time study
b) Motion study
c) Fatigue study
d) Method study


1.Which among the following is not a subsidiary function of management?
A) Decision making B) Innovation
C) Communication D) Motivation

2. Who is known as the father of scientific management?
A) F.W. Taylor B) Max Weber C) Henry Fayol D) S.George

3. Management is needed at …………..
(a) Top-level (b) Middle level (c) lower level (d) all levels

4. Top management is concerned with ……………….
(a) carrying suggestions upwards
(b) maintaining liaison with the outside world
(C) transmitting orders downwards
(d) none of these

5. Management is called a process because ………….
(a) it is applicable to the manufacturing process
(b) it is relevant for social organisation
(c) it involves a series of action
(d) All of above

6. Administration is………….
(a) policymaking
(b) Active direction to get things done
(c) executing the policy
(d) None of these

7. Management is……………
(a) tangible (b) intangible
(c) fictitious (d) All of the above

8. Middle management ………..
(a) consists of departmental managers
(b) motivates lower management
(c) Both a&b
(d) None of these

9. Top management consists of …….
(a) financial managers
(b) sales manager
(c) personnel manager
(d) Board of Directors and chief executives

10. Coordination means………….
(a) organising activities
(b) Directing activities
(c) synchronizing activities
(d) Both a&b


1. Unity of command implies
(a) A subordinate should receive orders from all the superiors
(b) individuals must sacrifice in the larger interest
(c) be accountable to one and only one superior
(d) None of these

2. Purpose of time study is………….
(a) to remove wastage of time
(b) to give timely assistance
(c) to determine fair days work
(d) watching time

3. The scientific technique of task setting is known as……………………
(a) work-study (b) motion study (c) time study (d) method study

4. scientific analysis of work under scientific management requires…….
(a) time study (b) motion study
(C)Both a&b (d) work-study

5. Authority refers to………………..
(a) Getting work done
(b) right to get work done
(c) being in a managerial position
d) scalar chain

6. Which among the following involves in the planning process?
A) Selection of objective B) determine the way to achieve objective
C) both A and B (D) None of the above

7. Which among the following is a single-use plan?
A) Objectives B) Policies
C) Rules D) Budget

8. _____________ is a timetable of work?
A) Budget B) Project
C) Programmes D) Schedules

9. Which among the following is not an element of co-ordination
a) integration
b) balancing
c) proper timing
d) directing

10. Find the odd one out
a) goals
b) objective
c) polices
d) motivation


1.Planning involves……………..
(a) future course of action
(b) review of past performance
(c) analysis of policies
(d) All of these

2. Planning provides……………
(a) information to outsiders
(b) basis for recruitment and selections
(c) purpose and direction of all persons
(d) None of these

3. Operational planning is undertaken at ………………
(a) Top-level (b) lower level (c) middle level (d) All of these

4………………….. are guides to action
(a) strategy (b)planning
(c) policies (d) procedure

5…………….. as a special type of plan prepared for meeting the challenges of
competitors and other environmental forces.
(a) policies (b) objectives (c)strategy (d) procedure

6 …………….. are goals established to guide the efforts of the company and each
of its components
(a) objectives (b) strategy (c) policies (d) procedure

7…………….. is also known as management by the result
(a) management by subordinate
(b) management by objectives
(c) management by art
(d) management by planning

8………….. co-ordination refers to the description of the behaviour and
relationships of the organisation
(a) vertical (b)Horizontal
(c) procedural (d) substantive

9……………. is a systematic way of handling regular events
(a) procedure (b) rules
(c) policies (d) strategy

10 Which among the following is not the principles of organisation?
A) Unity of objectives B)Specialisation
C) Span of control D) Initiative
E) Availability of managers. F) Control techniques


1. Organizing is…………………
(a) A remedy for all types of problems
(b) ensure accurate forecasting
(c) None of these
(d) All of these

2. Organising process involves………
(a) division of work
(b) grouping of identical work
(c) All of these
(d) None of these

3. Formal organisation is………………
(a) created by management
(b) A result of social interaction
(c) To satisfy cultural needs
(d) None of these

4. organizing deals with ……………
(a) division of work
(b) decentralising activities
(c) centralisation activities
(d) All of these

5. The process of organising consists of………………………
(a) division of work into job
(b) establishing authority relationships
(c) Both a&b
(d) None of these

6. Authority refers to………………..
(a) Getting work done
(b) right to get work done
(c) being in a management position
(d) None of these

7. Principles of specialisation require…………….
(a) Division of labour
(b) centralisation of work
(c) decentralisation of work
(d) None of these

8. Delegation is…………….
(a) Getting things done by others
(b) fixing of responsibility
(c) Assigning the task
(d) unity of command

9. Accountability means……….
(a) Delegation (b) responsibility
(c) Authority (d) Answerability

10 Which of the following is not an element of delegation
a) accountability
b) authority
c) responsibility
d) informal organisation


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