Page 58 - DEBK-XI(2020)
P. 58

Ledger                                                                          9.9

                                                 TRIAL BALANCE as at 31st January, 2020
                     S. No.    Heads of Accounts                                   L.F.   Dr. (`)   Cr. (`)
                       1.    Capital A/c                                                   ...     19,000
                       2.    Cash A/c                                                     1,520     ...
                       3.    Bank A/c                                                     17,425    ...
                       4.    Machinery A/c                                                10,000    ...
                       5.    Furniture A/c                                                  900     ...
                       6.    Stock A/c                                                    4,000     ...
                       7.    Purchases A/c                                                2,750     ...
                       8.    Sales A/c                                                     ...      2,000
                       9.    Bank Loan A/c                                                 ...      5,000
                       10.   Jacob Bros. Ltd.                                              ...      1,000
                       11.   Samuel & Co.                                                  ...      1,000
                       12.   Discount Allowed A/c                                            50
                       13.   Discount Received A/c                                         ...        25
                       14.   Repairs A/c                                                    100    ...
                       15.   Cartage A/c                                                     50    ...
                       16.   Municipal Taxes A/c                                            100    ...
                       17.   Sundry Receipts A/c                                           ...        20
                       18.   Advertisement A/c                                              100    ...
                       19.   Rent A/c                                                       150    ...
                       20.   Salaries A/c                                                   300    ...
                       21.   Drawings A/c                                                   250    ...
                       22.   Bad Debts A/c                                                  500    ...
                       23.   Bad Debts Recovered A/c                                       ...       150
                       24.   Loan from Urania Ltd. A/c                                     ...     10,000
                             Total                                                        38,195   38,195

                      2.  From the following particulars, prepare the account of Budhiraja, the proprietor
                        of the business:
                       (i)  Capital introduced                                                   30,000

                      (ii)  Drawings made by him                                                  6,500
                      (iii)  Further Capital introduced                                          22,000
                      (iv)  Profits for the period                                                7,500
                     Balance the same and explain what does the closing balance indicate.

                     Dr.                          BUDHIRAJA’S CAPITAL ACCOUNT                         Cr.
                     Particulars                         `      Particulars                        `
                     To  Drawings A/c                    6,500   By  Cash A/c—Capital              30,000
                     To  Balance c/d                    53,000  By  Cash A/c—Capital               22,000
                                                                By  Profit and Loss A/c (Profit)      7,500
                                                        59,500                                     59,500
                                                                By  Balance b/d                    53,000
                     Explanation:  Proprietor’s Capital Account has a credit balance of ` 53,000 which means that the business
                                 owes him this amount.
   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63